Average California Monthly Arrest Statistics

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Results Filtered: Arrestees with valid residential addresses; Arrestees are counted once per month.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How does a subscription to United Reporting Arrest News work?

We build a customized subscription based on the parameters you select and deliver it directly to your inbox Monday – Friday, between 1-2pm. Subscriptions are sent as a .txt document that can be easily imported into your preferred document program (see sample here).

How do I get a free quote?

Every United Reporting Arrest News subscription is unique, which is why we work closely with you to ensure we are tailoring your subscription to fit your needs. With a plethora of customization options (i.e. cities/counties, crimes, gender, ethnicity, etc.), one of our subscription specialists will contact you via your preferred method (phone/email) to discuss your desired parameters and provide estimated monthly arrest volumes and pricing for the criteria you are interested in. Contact us today!

How much does a subscription cost?

Your monthly subscription cost is based on a per arrest rate that is determined by the volume of arrests you receive. When we prepare a free quote for you, we provide the estimated number of arrests you would receive monthly and the price per arrest based on that volume. Since subscriptions are customizable, you can choose the volume that fits your budget. Subscriptions can cost as little as $8/day!

Is there a contract to sign up for a subscription?

No, our subscription is month-to-month, so you are not in any long-term commitment if you give our subscription a try.